

1. 首先,关于这个问题,移民局官网是这么写的: The sponsor must be aged at least 18 years and a permanent resident or citizen of Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein with no history of criminal convictions in the last ten years. In addition, they must have adequate evidence that their finances are stable enough to support the sponsor's family for two years after they arrive in Australia.

If you are an applicant under the age of 18 years old, your sponsor needs to provide proof of sufficient income as well as financial management skills so that there is no risk that funds will be used improperly by minors. Sponsors also need to show that appropriate arrangements have been made if the minor becomes a ward of the state upon arrival in Australia. The relationship between applicants and sponsors has to be genuine, which means it cannot be based on false pretenses such as employment contracts. For example, some people get married just because they want a partner who can obtain a visa. After marriage,it turns out that both parties knew nothing about each other when they got married! Such relationships do not meet the requirements set up by Australian immigration law,and therefore do not qualify for sponsorship applications.

2. 关于办理,澳洲配偶移民的类别有很多,不同的移民类别所需要的材料、流程以及费用都是不一样的。所以需要根据申请人的情况来具体分析是选择哪种签证类型。如果申请人已经在澳境内(澳洲护照持有人),那么就可以直接去移民局递交申请,在获得批准之后就可以拿到永久居民身份了;如果是海外申请人,就需要先去澳洲境外等待签证批签再登陆澳洲获取身份。至于具体的材料和要求,建议最好还是咨询相关持牌的移民律师比较稳妥一点。

3. 至于费用的话,因为每个申请人的实际情况不同,所以没有办法直接给出一个准确的数字。但是一般来说,申请澳洲配偶移民的费用大致是在6-9万澳元之间。

4. 在澳洲,除了正常的配偶移民以外,还可以以“父母”和“子女”的身份获得永居身份。这些类型的移民对年龄的要求都相对较低——50岁或者是55岁以下即可;而且也没有语言成绩的要求。不过,这类移民对申请人在澳洲的收入有相当严格的规定,比如要提供至少两年的银行流水记录等等,以此来确保申请人有足够的财力支持自己生活开支。此外还需要提供相关证明文件以保证其真实性与可靠性


不可以的,除非是澳大利亚公民或者永久居民担保你移民到这个国家 否则的话,是不可以申请澳洲的配偶签证的呢 如果是申请103的配偶移民签证的话需要提供雅思4个5分以上的语言成绩呢 但是如果不是103的配偶移民签证而是申请820/801的配偶类移民签证呢是需要考AATL4个6分的哦 所以建议大家在办理的时候找有经验的靠谱的机构进行办理,这样能大大提高成功率呢~ 有任何问题欢迎随时交流的哦!
