

Harvard has 5 schools and each school has multiple departments. Hence there are a lot of possible combinations you can pursue when choosing your major(s) at Harvard. For example, I am an MBA student at the Graduate School of Business (GSB)and we have 6 majors in our department(corporate finance, economics, entrepreneurship, management, marketing, operations)which belong to different schools(HKS, FAS, GSD, SCS)so that you can see how diverse our curriculum is. In addition, other than regular undergraduate/graduate majors, many programs offer minors for students to delve into other related fields. You will find some information about all of these on the Harvard website.

To give you an idea about what kind of studies a typical undergrad might encounter, let us use my major-corporate finance as an example. Besides core courses with titles like “economics” or “statistics”, you will take more specialized classes such as “financial markets”, “corporate governance”, “international finance” etc. The topics covered in class discussions range from macroeconomic policies to firm financial decision-making to global trade issues. Your professor may be a world-famous economist who writes op-eds for the New York Times or just finished his PhD from MIT last year. Regardless of their credentials, every professor teaches his/her own way so as to bring their unique perspective into classroom discussions.For instance, my corporate finance professor loves to start off with a movie clip(the film industry in India, he said, haha)to illustrate concepts being discussed. You never know what’s coming next!

The beauty of studying at a top university lies in its ability to equip you with knowledge and skills to think independently;its challenge lies in making sure everyone comes out as a critical thinker rather than someone who just regurgitates what professors say.
