

首先,要理解考官的part,需要先明确几个概念。 雅思考试一共有4个部分,分别是:听力、阅读、写作和口语。其中听力和阅读都是笔试,写作是笔答,而口语是面试。 然后我们要明白一个道理,口试和笔试的区别不仅仅在于形式,还在于题目难易程度的区分。也就是说,笔试的题目相对而言比口述的题目会易答一些。

雅思每个部分的评分都是由标准化的题库决定的,每道题目有4个答案供考生选择,每个答案还有5个分数区间供考生自我评价。最后由考官根据考生的答题内容给定分数。 那在了解完这些基本的知识后,我们来说说怎么准备part。其实,无论什么part,他的核心都是为了评估学生对于英语的使用熟练程度。我们在备考的时候应该从两个方面入手:

1)语言方面 注意语法的正确性,以及词汇的丰富表达。建议考生复习过程中注意自己的错题集,特别是容易出错的语法点和易混淆的词汇。可以把自己做错的题进行分类,记录自己错误的词汇和易混词,然后逐一攻破。

2)内容方面 无论是哪一科的考试,内容的重要性都不言而喻。如果考生能够流畅地使用英语作答,并且确保内容的正确性,那么得分一定不会差。所以在备考的过程中一定要注重内容准备的充实感。

当然在实际的考试中,由于时间有限,很多考生没有足够的时间思考内容。这时候就要求考生在平时的练习中重视时间的分配。 除了以上两个方面之外,考生们还要在考前注意自己的心态调整。



Parties are very common in many countries. People have parties to celebrate special occasions, for example, birthdays and weddings, or to get together with their friends just for fun. Parties can be loud and crowded, and some people don't like attending them. However, many people enjoy going out, dancing, talking and having fun!

Parties are held for all kinds of reasons and in many different places. Some are quiet and for small groups of people, and some are for hundreds of people and last all night! In Western culture, it is very common for students to hold parties and some students have parties almost every week! A typical student party could involve going to a house, listening to loud music, drinking lots of alcohol and playing party games.

One of the most common parties is a birthday party. Birthday parties are held to celebrate the day on which a person was born. The person who's birthday it is will usually buy or bake a cake and invite his/her friends round. The friends bring gifts for the birthday boy or girl. After eating the cake and opening the presents, the friends will play games and talk. Sometimes, people have surprise parties. As the name suggests, people don't know there is going to be a party. They are surprised! They turn up not knowing what is going to happen and are often very happy to find all their friends have turned up at one place!
