

1. 作为全球最具影响力的CFA特许资格认证,是投资行业全球公认的职业证书之一 CFA考试由美国CFA协会主持。该考试分为三个级别,旨在测试考生是否掌握了必要的知识、技术和能力来成功从事相关工作。 第一个级别的主要主题是资产评估和分析;第二个级别涉及决策过程;第三个级别讨论财务报告和战略规划。每个级别都包含选择题和一个命题写作题,这三个级别的通过率各不相同。 对于那些希望获得 CFA 特许证的人,必须完成整个考试系列,每部分考试的满分都为 800 分。600 分被认为是及格线,通过概率约为 50% 每个级别的考试都有四个选项:

2. Master of Financial Management (MFM) - This is a full-time master's degree for graduates with an interest in financial services and finance. The program provides students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to understand and navigate the global financial system. It will prepare you for leadership roles in finance and related fields. You can choose from four concentrations: Asset and Investment Management, Banking, Corporate Finance, and Risk Management 这个是全日制的金融硕士,入学要求本科毕业加三年工作经验或研究生毕业加一年经验(不同国家或者地区毕业的研究生可能会有所区别)

3. Master of Commerce (MCom) - The MCom is designed for those students who have completed or are close to completing an undergraduate degree in any discipline other than pure commerce. Those students who wish to pursue postgraduate studies in commerce but do not meet our entry criteria for the MFM may be considered for admission into this program. This program will provide you with a comprehensive overview of microeconomics、quantitative economics and statistical modelling that will equip you with essential problem-solving skills 你只需要本科毕业有学士学位,任何专业都可以申请这个授课型硕士,入学要求相对较低!

4. PhD - A research-based degree that takes three years of full-time study to complete, or six years part-time. Students with a bachelor’s degree can enter directly into the doctoral degree program, while those holding a master’s degree typically need to undertake a one year course in research methodology before commencing their thesis.PhD candidates must demonstrate sufficient mathematical and statistical reasoning ability to design and interpret appropriate quantitative analyses used in economic research. 在澳国立读phd是全奖的哦~ 但是需要全英文上课且英语口音较重。
