需要,中国公民赴厄瓜多尔需办理签证。 使馆信息 中国驻基多大使馆地址: AV. 24 DE MAYO NRO.15-73, CERO MIL, CIUDAD DE SAN CRISTOBAL, ECUADOR 办公电话:+593-2-268065/6 传真号码:+593-2-226753 领保电话:+593-2-3955906 中国驻瓜亚基尔领事馆地址: AV. 9 DE DICIEMBRE, SECTIÓN LAS AMERICAS, PISO 1ER, Oficina B, Ciudad de Guasclamancilla, Esquina Calle MORALES y CALLE PROTECTION(Frente al edificio “Las Américas”). CUENTA CON VECINOS Y A 1 Km del Aeropuerto Internacional “MIGUEL DE LA GARZA”. 办公电话:+593-4-285016或+593-4-284949 邮箱: guayaquil@cs-ecuador 网站: 邮编:Santiago (Guayaquil) / ES, Ecuador : 92199; Guayaquil : 92200; Portoviejo: 92405;Lambayeque: 92800;Loja: 93000 领事服务时间:周一至周五上午9:00—11:00和下午1:30至4:00 使馆官方网站:URL 领馆的网站目前只有英语版本,但是提供了中文、西班牙语和葡萄牙语的介绍文件。 根据该网站提供的图片显示资料来看,两个领馆都只有一个工作人员(据说在基多还有一个临时代办):
1.关于如何申请签证: 厄瓜多尔驻华使馆没有提供签证申请的官方网址或者表格下载,不过可以在使馆网站上找到这样一段文字说明:The applicant should apply to the Embassy of Ecuador in China for a visa, but it is not mandatory: if an application is rejected or denied by reason that the person does not possess the required documents nor has sufficient economic means and other reasons which prevent entry into Ecuador as per the provisions on visas issued by the government of Ecuador , said rejection or denial shall be considered final without giving explanations thereto.
这句话的意思大致是“中国申请者可前往厄瓜多尔驻华使馆申请签证,但非强制手续。申请人被拒签或因缺少材料被遣返时,将不提供任何解释。 ” 所以如果去使馆申请的话,还是请准备好所有的材料以备万一。 另外根据上面的介绍,可以看出厄瓜多尔政府并没有设立专门的签证中心,所以使馆也是按照本国规定来执行对签证的决定权。从这一点上来说和中国有些类似——毕竟中国也没有专门建立自己的签证中心。 但是跟中国不同的地方在于,虽然申请者自己可以去使馆递交申请并获得签证,但必须由厄方人员亲自审核材料并决定是否准予申请者的请求。因为使领馆只是代表政府行使权利的单位,对于拒签与否没有任何责任,而且也不负责向申请者作出任何解释,所以申请者最好能找比较熟悉当地情况的人士帮忙处理申请事宜。
2.关于入境时的检查项目: 根据总领馆给出的资料中有关出入境的规定可以了解到: The passenger with a transit visa may go through immigration formalities at the port where he transits, only showing his valid passport and boarding pass when requested by officials.
In case of overstaying, no further action will be taken against him except those laid down under Article 83 of Law No. 100 of May 21, 1997 , known as the Immigration Law. In this connection, please refer to article entitled "Overstay" included herein.
This provision also applies to passengers holding valid transit visas issued by any country of their own nationality who intend