UBC的Arts and Sciences下面一共有12个division,具体的专业可以在官网翻哦~ 这里放一个网址合集好了~感兴趣的同学可以点进去看看~ https://www.ubc.ca/study/programs/fine-arts(研究生) https://www.ubc.ca/study/programs/humanities-sciences
(本科) UBC的arts和science一共分为十二个大类: agriculture and biodiversity,anthropology,art history,classical studies,communication,critical development studies,east asian studies,education,environmental sciences,global development,health promotion,information studies,international relations,language and literacy,molecular biology,natural resources,outdoor education,physical education,psychology,public policy,social work,sustainability science,tourism,urban design And planning 我列一下其中一个专业的list吧~这样比较清楚一点!!
a) Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (MAIS) Program — This program is for students who want to explore new areas, pursue a particular interest not covered by existing programs or combine two disciplines to study issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. Students can choose one of six areas of specialization: international development, leadership, learning and teaching, media, globalization and development, and public health and sustainable development. b) Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing (MFA)Program——The MFA program at UBC encourages students to think critically about the role that literature and creative writing play in our society. The goal is to nurture intellectual curiosity and a sense of wonder about human experience.
c) Doctorate in Philosophy ——哲学博士(PhD)是最高级别的研究性硕士课程。获得该学位需要完成大量的论文和研究。这个学位适用于希望继续在学术领域发展并在相关领域的研究所工作的学生。UBC提供人类学、分析哲学、应用伦理学、艺术与表演、生物科学、古典研究等30多个项目的PhD选择。 这个列表只放了部分专业,想了解详情的同学们可以戳链接~