为什么会这样呢?这就涉及到雅思口语part3的问题设置目的:在part1中,考官会向考生提出一些较为简单并且熟悉的话题,而到了part3,考官会就该类话题提出一些更为宽泛和抽象的问题,为的是测试考生能否在相对高层次的、概括性的语言范围内回答问题(The candidate is also asked further questions which are more demanding in order to assess his or her ability to deal with topics in a more abstract way; this part also allows the examiner to assess the candidate's ability to justify opinions and to express shades of meaning accurately.)。
1. What can be done so that companies encourage their staff to take holidays more often?
2. Some people think that modern technology such as computer games could be harmful for children. Do you think this is true? How could children be encouraged to go on holiday rather than stay at home?
3. Where you think people are more likely to spend their holiday abroad? And why?