之前分享过一些关于雅思备考的经验,其中也提及到口语部分如何准备,今天主要想分享的是关于Part 2的话题及范例回答。 在雅思口语考试中,Part 2是考生随机题目进行回答的(除了某些特殊职业需要准备一下具体的问答)。在备考的过程中,我主要准备了十多个话题并进行相应的回答。
由于雅思口语考试是英式英语,所以在用词和表达上要与英国人的口音接近。我在平时的练习中也会注意这一点,并找一些英文播客或者节目进行跟读模仿,矫正自己的发音。 在准备话题时,我会先思考不同话题的回答思路,然后利用答案框架来组织语言,这样也能确保回答的流畅性和逻辑性。答案框架的使用也是因人而异的,大家可以适当借鉴一下,然后再形成适合自己风格的回答。
1. 家庭情况 例:What's your family like? 你家里有几个人? How many members are there in your family? 我爸爸、妈妈、姐姐和我组成我们的家庭。 My father,mother and sister and I form our family. (补充)你和你家人相处的时间多吗? Do you spend much time with your family?
2. 学校及课程 例:Can you describe the school you went to? (描述一个你熟悉的地方/校园) Is it large or small? Are there lots of buildings? What kind of buildings are there? Can you remember any teachers who made a big impression on you? 我的母校不大,但气氛很融洽。 Every day after class,students talk about their plans for the weekend. In high school,I was very active in sports so I always had lots of friends. 对我来说,高中最有意思的课程是体育,体育课让我们变得活跃而且充满激情。 Our physical education teacher would have us do long distance runs and cross-country races during breaks. 虽然那些运动现在看起来没什么,但在那时我们真的感觉很刺激。 We were not allowed to use computers because my school was too poor to afford them. 所以我没有电脑可以用。 We had one math teacher who gave homework every night but we never did any writing. The only thing we did with pens and paper was do long division. 我们有个数学老师总是留很多作业,但我们不需要写文章,只需做很长的除法计算题。
3. 兴趣爱好 例:Do you play any sports? 你们有球队或田径队吗? Is there a soccer team,basketball team,or volleyball team at your school? 有学生自己组成的足球、篮球或是排球队伍吗? 平时我喜欢看喜剧节目,如《生活大爆炸》、《废柴联盟》等。 I also enjoy reading comic books and graphic novels。 除了一般性的兴趣爱好外,我也喜欢收集漫画书和图形小说。