

K1签证,也叫做婚姻移民签证(Immigrant Visa for Marriage)或者未婚夫/妻签证(Fiancé(e)Visa),是美国移民局批准的一种允许未婚未婚夫妻前往美国与持有美国永久居民身份或是美国公民身份的配偶团聚的移民签证。 由USCIS批准的K1签证申请需要收取$460美元的申请费. 申请人如果已经获得I-129F表格批准并打算开始办理手续, USICS将在签发签证时另外收取$535美元的手续费。 如果您是移民代理,为K1签证申请人进行签证预约,预约时需缴纳$330美元的费用;如果您通过移民局的网上服务系统进行预约,则需要支付 $385.75 的费用,这些收费都是不退还的。 需要注意的是K1签证申请人的入境时不需要再交纳任何移民或关税费用,而K1签证申请人的配偶可以持有效的非移民签证进入美国,在登陆后转为合法居留的永久居民。

在美国结婚之后,K1结婚移民签证的申请人就可以向美国移民局提交I-485身份的转换申请了。一旦移民局批准了I-485身份的转换请求,申请人就拿到了正式的绿卡了。 在整个K1流程中, I-129F和I-485两个阶段的签证处理费用以及移民局的收费总计约1885美金,包括申请费和手续费在内的各种费用因时间等因素不同会有所变化 。


K-1 visa is an investment immigration scheme of the U.S.A that allows foreign investors to immigrate with their nonimmigrant fiancé(e)s and children under 21, who are not citizens or permanent residents of the United States. They also receive a green card in about two years. The applicant has to have at least $500,000 (or its equivalent value in other currencies) invested into an unprotected fund for five months after entering the USA on this tourist K-1 visa, as well as show proof they can support themselves financially while waiting for residency.

The amount you pay depends upon how quickly your paperwork will be processed by USCIS, but it ranges from about US$3875 to over SGD4900(with fees payable on top) when filing directly with USCIS, if all goes smoothly. If there’s been any delay, you would need to fork out more money in order to get back on track with application processing, and so forth. In short, we charge what our customers end up paying once everything is concluded in accordance with law. Note:If you wish us to file for work authorization, you may incur additional cost depending on whether you want to seek priority service or fast track expedited services to meet deadlines, which can range between less than USD600 to upwards of USD900+. (You must know that there're no refunds on these extra fees!) All our costs are quoted excluding tax/VAT and currency conversion charges.
